Entry Level Home Prices in Charleston

The Charleston real estate market is made up of 3 counties with 20+ different housing areas, each with their own unique feel. We are experts at helping out-of-town buyers choose the right area, but price is often the most limiting factor. The median price across all areas of town is $337k, which has risen 15% YTD. In 2004, the entry level price for a 3BR/2BA single family home in mid Mt Pleasant was $200k, and now it's $400k.

Below are current price ranges for a 3BR/2BA 1400-1800 sqft starter home in each area. You can see that affordability rises the farther you get from the coast. If you see a listing that's below this range, it's likely "too good to be true." It could be the home backs up to an unsightly property, needs major structural repairs, or sits in a risky flood zone that requires expensive insurance. These days, the listing agent may have strategically priced it low to instigate a bidding war, knowing the home will sell for much more.


*Note: you don't see our barrier islands on this list because their steep prices exclude them from "starter home" consideration.

Keep in mind that a larger home would cost you almost double in some of these areas. A 3,000 sqft home in Southern Mt Pleasant ranges from $700k-$1 million with an $875k median price. In Summerville the larger home would range from $350k-$600k with a median price of $425k.

There are pros and cons to every area, and financial security should be your top priority. We can help you select the right area without over-extending. Afterall, you'll need pocket change leftover to enjoy all Charleston has to offer!